We Are Sunshine

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Nashville Conference To Explain The New Meaning of Vitamin D to Smart Tanning

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

Vitamin D is EVERYWHERE in the news this year. What does it mean for your business and for the indoor tanning community? That will be addressed all weekend long at Smart Tan’s 13th Annual Educational Conference, held at the ITA Tanning World Expo Sept. 18-21 in Nashville.

2008-09-02-revolution-copy.jpgThe vitamin D story will be strewn through the entire conference this year, including a Friday night mixer at the convention which will reveal the results of Smart Tan’s popular D-Feat Breast Cancer campaign. Smart Tan’s Joseph Levy leads a session on Saturday at the convention on what you can say and what you can’t say — one of the biggest questions we receive from salons. And independent vitamin D advocate Dr. Marc Sorenson leads a session on what the new vitamin D news meant this year.

“The message is powerful – but you need to understand what it means and what it doesn’t mean,” Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy said. “We want to help you find the answers you need to move forward this year.”

The conference keynote address centers on a Total Salon Makeover.

What if you could take an aging tanning salon — one that turned a nice profit in indoor tanning’s heyday in the past decade, but which had lost its edge and wasn’t geared up for today’s competitive tanning market — and break it down piece by piece and completely turn it around? And what if you could apply the lessons from this turnaround story — lessons that apply on some level to nearly every tanning business in North American today — into a full case study and present it to the industry as a prototype?

That’s exactly what Smart Tan did this spring in one typical tanning salon somewhere in America. The case study of this salon’s story will be one unforgettable general session with lessons that apply to just about every tanning business regardless of size or location. Call it a “Smart Tan Intervention” — a complete turn-around for a typical tanning business whose decline had placed it on the brink of failure. The opportunity presented itself early this spring when a Smart Tan member contacted us with business questions. The questions led to the opportunity to conduct a full intervention and makeover. (We’ll reveal the exact location of this tanning business at this session. And you’ll get a chance to meet the owner.)

Register now to attend the industry’s Nashville convention, Sept. 18-21 in Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Resort. Smart Tan can register you for Smart Tan’s educational conference, as well as ITA’s Tanning World Expo with just one phone call. Call us at 800-652-3269 or 866.795.3755 in Canada with questions or to register today!
