We Are Sunshine

The Question I Hate the Most….

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

By Grant Miller, salon owner and consultant

I frequently get asked the question, “What’s your one key to being successful?” Although well intentioned, it’s not a very smart question. Any high achiever will tell you there are 10, 20 or more things you need to do to be successful. With that being said, I have picked the top seven items that have had the biggest impact on the success of my businesses over the years.

I’m confident that if you master these, you’ll also be incredibly more successful. Success is not always measured in money. If you are more efficiently operating your business so you can have more time off to coach your kid’s soccer team or to be able to take your family on a lavish vacation, that is successful.

Read the following. Then read them again and again until you really understand what each of them mean. This is powerful stuff that took me over a decade in business to figure out. The sooner you understand and master these principles, the sooner you’ll be happier and more successful, too.

You MUST have a highly effective EFT membership program. I cannot stress this enough. The biggest common denominator with highly profitable salons is having a rock-solid, money generating EFT membership. This is one of the golden keys to the kingdom once you figure it out. Every salon can benefit from a smart EFT program. If you already have one, it can, in almost every case, be improved upon and made more effective. Nothing will make you more money than a properly crafted and highly executed EFT membership system.

Click here to read the entire article in the May issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
