We Are Sunshine

Smart Tan Slams ‘Tan Act’ Author

Friday, January 29th, 2010

“I will tell you something, Representative Maloney: CIGARETTES are the cigarettes of our time. That is the third-rail of public health and don’t mess with that. Do not attempt to compare something natural and intended to cigarettes.”2010-01-29 Quote of the Week copy— Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy on the syndicated radio program ‘Health Talk” with Dr. Ronald Hoffman., commenting on U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s “Tanning Bed Cancer Control Act” which she introduced in a press conference in Cosmopolitan magazine’s New York City offices Jan. 26 by claiming that “Tanning beds are the cigarettes of our time.”

Levy pointed out that comparing UV exposure to cigarettes cheapens the most-important public health campaign of our time: cigarette cessation.

Dr. Hoffman recommends indoor tanning as a source of vitamin D.

Listen to the interview below:

Click here to listen
