We Are Sunshine

Shades of Marketing

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Have you ever noticed that fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy’s all use similar color schemes? There’s a reason for that; the colors red, yellow and blue all make consumers feel a certain way.

KISSmetrics, a marketing consulting firm, has collected data on colors and consumers buying habits, releasing the information in a useful chart.coloredpencils

One telling statistic is that 93% of consumers rate color and appearance as more important than sound, smell and texture. Another shocking stat is that 85% of consumers rate color as the primary reason for selecting a particular product.

As for the fast food colors and the emotions they invoke, the data states yellow is seen as optimistic and youthful and is used to attract window shoppers. Red is energetic and creates a sense of urgency which is why it is often used in clearance advertising. Blue is used by many banks because of the sense of trust it conveys.

For example, if you are looking to create a relaxing spa environment for your salon, you might want to use shades of blue, green and purple in your decor, as these colors promote the feelings of trust, relaxation and beauty.

Review the KISSmetrics chart here
