We Are Sunshine

Identify Your Management Style

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

There’s much more to your management style than whether you’re introverted or extroverted, the article “Which of These 4 Types of Managers Are You?” explains. Correctly identifying your approach is the first step in becoming a better manager…you can’t get better until you consciously reflect on how you manage and why you manage that way. And on the other hand, it’s also valuable to understand why your superiors manage the way they do. See which description most closely matches your, or your boss’s, style:

In Charge: This person is extroverted and likes to get straight to the point. He or she like to take charge, is more formal with his or her relationships and likes to focus on achievable goals.

Chart the Course: He or she is less comfortable being put on the spot and doesn’t like surprises. While the In Charge manager focuses on “where we’re going,” this more introverted manager is all about how to get there. This person is typically friendly and inclusive, but has little tolerance for those who don’t perform.

Behind the Scenes: Also tending to be more introverted, this manager is largely focused on the information collecting process that goes into making decisions. He or she takes a collaborative approach, seeking individual opinions before choosing a direction. This person wants to make the best decision based on all the information available, but the downside to this approach is that it takes longer to get things done.

Get Things Going: “The life of the party,” this manager is enthusiastic and wants everyone else to be just as passionate about the plan and results. He or she understands that harmony and teamwork equals productivity and direct in a way that is embraced by the team.

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