We Are Sunshine

Five Great Ways to Increase Your Sales Today

Monday, October 17th, 2016

By Scott Nichols, UV Utilities

We have found that there is no such thing as a secret promotion or sale that is going to increase your sales every  day of the year. Sure, you might run a promotion that will increase your sales for the length of it, but as soon as that promotion ends your sales go right back down. So what do we do? We run another promotion and then another and another. Pretty soon, you’ve become a discount tanning salon where customers will only buy when there is a special promotion.

There is no secret to increasing sales. It’s going to take hard work and a great staff. We know many of you reading this right now are willing to put the hard work in, but how do we make our current staff great?

We want to take you through a five step program that has been successful. S.A.L.E.S. is an acronym that has been used in the past that gives a great outline for managers and employees to follow, with the goal of all employees raising their sales when a promotion is running or not running.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
