We Are Sunshine

Don’t Miss Upgrade Sales Opportunities

Monday, June 10th, 2013

In a recent poll, most indoor tanning businesses answered that the majority of their clients purchase upgrades individually at each visit, as opposed to prepaid packages or higher-level upgrade EFTs.

Forty-four percent of salons say that most of their customers buy upgrades individually at each visit, while 31 percent say most clients buy upgrades as a prepaid package. Twenty-five percent of salons say that customers most often purchase upgrades as part of an upgrade EFT.

It’s important for salons to understand the value of actively trying to sell upgrades to every customer, every visit. As the poll shows, many tanning clients are regularly buying upgrades on a per visit basis, despite it not being the most cost-effective option. The increase cost per session makes individual upgrades sales very profitable, while also enticing clients to move up to an upgrade EFT.
