We Are Sunshine

Culture of Success: Strong employee compensation builds more than the bottom line

Thursday, November 9th, 2017

Happy employees make for happy customers. That’s probably not the first thing you think about when considering how you pay your staff, but it is an equally viable reason to consider a more aggressive commission-focused compensation plan.

The trickle-down effect of a competitively paid, highly motivated staff is immense. It starts, of course, with consideration of the bottom line; the primary goal of your compensation system is almost certainly to increase sales and revenue. But, as time passes and that model melds into more of an element of company culture, you can also expect to experience reduced employee turnover, less management problems and even more satisfied clients.

“A happy staff really does make for a happy work environment, and the clients know,” says Sun City Tanning Sales and Marketing Manager Melissa Smith.

Win the Day

A motivated salesperson’s success isn’t as simple as just trying harder to sell because they’re incentivized. There are different elements of “trying harder” to consider. Ask any industry sales trainer how to improve sales, and they’ll most likely point first to education. A motivated employee won’t just try harder; they’ll focus on honing their craft in order to consistently work smarter and more effectively. If you’ve taught them well, that will start with knowing everything they can about what they’re selling.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
