We Are Sunshine

Consultant’s Corner:
The Seven Golden Keys to Success

Monday, January 21st, 2013

By: Grant Miller

I frequently get asked the question, “What’s your one key to being successful?” It’s a well-intended question, but achievers will tell you there are many things involved in being successful. With that said, I picked the top seven keys that have had the biggest impact on my businesses over the years. This is powerful stuff that took me over a decade in business to figure out.

You must have a highly effective EFT membership program. The biggest common denominator with highly profitable salons is having a rock-solid, money-generating EFT membership. Every salon can benefit from a smart EFT program. Even if you already have one, it can be improved upon in almost every case.

Work on your business, not just in it. When I first heard this years ago I thought it was just sort of a nice cliché. After all, working in your business is what you are supposed to do, right? Yes and no. While operating your salon is an essential job function, you need to dedicate some time working on the bigger picture: maximizing revenue opportunities, refining operation procedures, thinking about “what’s next” and implementing effective marketing. To start, you should dedicate at least a few hours per week working on your business. You’ll be shocked how it transforms you from a business owner into an entrepreneur.

Never delegate the marketing. Marketing your salon is the highest paying job you will ever have. Being able to effectively drive clients into your salon more often allows you to literally create money on demand. Nobody cares about this more than you the owner, so you need to be in charge and responsible for this.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine.
