We Are Sunshine

Company Culture: The Foundation of Branding

Monday, August 31st, 2015

We talk an awful lot about branding and how to make your brand noticeable, memorable and relatable for customers. Brand recognition and loyalty are priceless when you’re running a business. And while most of us understand the value of branding externally, something we rarely talk about is the importance of branding internally.

No matter what you do to achieve brand recognition outside of your store, it’s not going to mean much if that brand isn’t reflected inside the salon. If your employees don’t know what your company is all about — what your core values are — they won’t be able to convey that in your salon effectively or consistently. In other words, you might be making promises externally that aren’t being kept internally.

What this really boils down to is culture. The culture inside your business sets the foundation for how your business operates. Is your business a high-end salon with a focus on service? Are you the salon that offers a great value? Are you the salon that focuses on a fun experience? Are you membership-focused? Maybe you’re something complete different. Once you’ve determined who you are as a business and what’s important to you, you have to figure out ways to communicate and instill that in your employees. If you can’t convey that to your employees, they won’t be able to convey it to your customers.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
