We Are Sunshine

Archive for the ‘Tanning Trends Extra’ Category

Tanning is Not an Addiction

Friday, February 25th, 2011

By: Joe Levy

The cosmetic dermatology industry lobbying groups are making the rounds again attempting to convince the public that humans can become addicted to indoor tanning – that sun exposure is somehow comparable to heroin.

Dry that out and …

Teen Tanning in Canada

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

The city of Victoria banned teen tanning as you may have heard last month. Here is what we heard from the mayors and councilors that sit on the CRD Board: The represented 12 cities and towns that make up the …

The Importance of Being Human

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

There’s zero doubt we live in an electronic world – I wrote this article on a computer, I e-mailed it to my art director, who uploaded it to the Internet-based publishing program we use. From there, the magazine went on …

‘D’ Panel Suppressed Data

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

By Dr. Marc Sorenson, EdD

The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, has just released its long-awaited vitamin D supplementation recommendations. To the disappointment of the world’s leading vitamin D scientists, those recommendations …

The Juice!

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

My mom used to always remind us “waste not – want not” if we didn’t finish our breakfast. She was a Depression era child and knew what hunger felt like. She knew we had to learn not to waste resources …

Canadian Sunbathing Community Inundated with Proposed Regulations

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Proposed Laws

Ontario – Two bills for teen ban

New Brunswick guidelines to be converted to regulations in a year – under 18 ban and warning sign

Manitoba – parental consent (under 18) and warning sign

CRD Victoria – under …

What’s in a Name?

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

There’s nothing like kicking off the new year with a bang. And a boom… And a blast… And I mean all these things literally. My salon just went through a major renovation. I’ve added equipment and we are at the …

Government’s Vitamin D Panel Actually Did Sunbeds a Favor

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

By Joseph Levy

The controversial panel from the government-commissioned Institute of Medicine that Nov. 30 oddly declared that North America does not have a vitamin D deficiency problem actually did those who believe in sunbeds a backwards favor.

How riddled …
