We Are Sunshine

News Archive for October, 2018

UV is Beneficial for Older People: Researcher

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Dr. Richard Weller, who introduced us to the benefits of nitric oxide production from UV light in 2013, also wrote a paper promoting the importance of sun exposure for older people, as summarized by Dr. Marc Sorenson for the Sunlight …

Sunshine Vitamin ‘Turns You Into Superman’: Article

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

A preliminary review suggests that getting adequate vitamin D helps individuals exercise more strenuously while also exhibiting reduced signs of physical exertion, Details Magazine online reports.

“In layman’s terms, vitamin D helps you exercise harder without becoming more tired, or …

Cleanliness is the Top Concern for Tanning Clients

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

Your salon spends time, money, and effort attracting and keeping good customers, but you could lose them in a second with just one slip up on cleaning duties. And even worse than losing a valued client is the negative word …
