We Are Sunshine

News Archive for September, 2012

Doctor: Has Sun Scare Gone Too Far?

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Another British doctor physician is speaking out publicly that the peril of overzealous sun avoidance has gone too far and needs to be countered.

Dr. Pratik Sufi, a British surgeon specializing in weight loss, wrote in The Huffington Post that …

Sun Keeps Rising on Vitamin D: Poll

Friday, September 7th, 2012

More than 5 out of 6 sunbed salon owners say that more people understand that vitamin D is ‘The Sunshine Vitamin’ today than did two years ago, according to a poll conducted in late July. According to the poll, …

More is Better:
Easy ways to increase your customer base

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Salon owners are always focused on keeping their clients happy and making the most out of their buying potential, but one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself as slow season creeps along is increase your customer base. …

UV Lowers Cancer Risk: New Study

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Researchers in China have shown that people with the most UV exposure — particularly UVB exposure that makes vitamin D in the skin — have lower overall cancer rates, according to a study published this week in the journal Cancer …

PC Tan and Palm Beach Tan Team Up for Fundraiser

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

PC Tan and Palm Beach Tan have teamed up with Smart Tan in a fundraiser to be held during Smart Tan Downtown 2012. PC Tan CEO Susan Miller joined Palm Beach Tan President Diane Lucas in announcing a partnership for …

Sunscreens a Biohazard, Book Claims

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

A new book written by a licensed clinical scientist is slamming the chemical sunscreen industry for producing a product the author calls a “biohazard” that is more harmful than the sunlight it seeks to block.

“We have been told the …

Quote of the Week Researcher:
‘D’ from Diet? ‘Idiotic’

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

“The Institute of Medicine said in their (2010) report — an idiotic statement that said that the diet would supply all the vitamin D that you need. As a nutritionist I say, that’s no diet that I know. No diet
