We Are Sunshine

News Archive for April, 2010

Does Reading The Paper Cause Cancer?

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

2010-04-20 Newspaper Cancer copyThe Houston Chronicle produced a bylined article this week slamming indoor tanning with material that was obviously supplied to it by an anti-tanning group. Although Chronicle reporter Dale Robertson put his name on the piece, we think he got all …

Salons See Increase in ‘Therapy Tanners’

Monday, April 19th, 2010

2010-04-19 Salons See Increase in Therapy Tanners copyThree quarters of tanning businesses have seen an increase in the past five years in the number of clients who use indoor tanning as a therapeutic exercise, according to the results of a survey conducted in April.

Although the …

Bigger, Badder, Smarter!

Friday, April 16th, 2010

More exhibits, more parties and more to learn Oct. 22-24 at Smart Tan’s 15th Annual Convention in Downtown Nashville


Coming out of two years that can, at best, be remembered as the most challenging small business climate in modern North …

Bask in the Light: Luminary 25 from Designer Skin

Friday, April 16th, 2010

1.4-skindeepAscend to the highest bronzing peak and illuminate those around you in the glistening aura of dark tanning perfection with Designer Skin’s Luminary 25 (XXV) Black Label Private Reserve. This tanning force distinctively combines superior ingredients with stellar bronzers to …

The Secrets to Successful Sales

Friday, April 16th, 2010

1.4-tipsIt’s one of those things that everyone wants to know the answer to: How do I increase sales in my salon? I am asked over and over. Obviously, it helps too have friendly, knowledgeable and TANNED staff! But until the …

A Common Goal

Friday, April 16th, 2010

1.4-nikAs I was visiting Kelowna, B.C. last week, I was reminded of the story I heard about the Groman Bros. Lumber Mill. Back in 2009 when the great fire in West Kelowna broke out, it happened in the south end …

Member of the Month: Miami Tanning, New Brunswick

Friday, April 16th, 2010

1.4-momWhen you’ve been in the tanning business as long as Frank Findlay, owner of Miami Tanning salons in New Brunswick, you know a thing or two about keeping that business going strong. Findlay has three locations in his native Fredericton, …

The Bright (and Diverse) Future of the Tanning Salon

Friday, April 16th, 2010

I’m driving through town on a Friday night and I decide it‘s a good night for a movie, so I start looking for a video store. On this corner, I see a Blockbuster, there’s a Hollywood Video two blocks down, …
