We Are Sunshine

News Archive for March, 2008

Smart Tan Lotion Sales Training Video

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

One of the strongest additions to Smart Tan’s product line this year is getting rave reviews from salons who have incorporated it into their regular training curriculum.

Smart Tan’s Lotion Sales Training course, a 40-minute video program complete with a …

Cautious optimism is prevailing in the tanning market today

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Two-thirds of indoor tanning businesses say that tanning business in the first six weeks of 2008 met or exceeded their expectations, according to a poll conducted in the last week of February.

In the poll, 42 percent say business …

“My Dad had melanoma…..So I opened a tanning Salon”

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Elise Hensman has a mission; she wants to be instrumental in the fight against anti-tanning legislation and the pharmaceutical companies that are sending out false messages about UV light through the media.

            That mission could be almost anybody’s in this …
