We Are Sunshine

When You Need Help, the JCTA is There

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

Being a JCTA member for the past 14 years has had many benefits for my group of studios, my team and my community. However, the challenges that we have faced due to the Covid-19 Pandemic are unprecedented. Never in my career have I ever experienced such a chaotic time while trying to find the best solutions for my group of 15 studios.

Having to temporarily close our studios for an unforeseen amount of time was only the first hurdle. Reopening presented a heap of queries and there were no clear answers to be found on when we could re-open or protocols,  not to mention there was no direct contact for answers.

This is an instant of how beneficial being a JCTA member is. Steve Gilroy and the JCTA were ahead of this by working with WorkSafe BC to create our reopening plans and protocols. While all this chaos ensued, Steve and I spent countless time passing information and documents back and forth in order to decipher clear direction of when we could open. All of this may seem simple to those who were able to follow the JCTA member updates on how to reopen their salons, however there was a lot of hard work involved in the back end. The constant information updates from the JCTA helped ease the process, and for that I am thankful.

I am forever grateful for the JCTA and Steve Gilroy for their devotion to this industry and passion to help us grow and succeed. I am a proud to be a JCTA member and very happy to be able to collaborate with this fantastic association!

Mandy Burton

Sub-Franchisor – British Columbia

Fabutan | Hush Lash Studio

