We Are Sunshine

Important FDA Alert: Your Sun Capsule will soon be out of compliance

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

From Thomas Holland, CEO, Sun Capsule, Inc.

In 2014, Congress passed legislation that reclassifies all tanning equipment as Class II medical devices. There are new stringent re-labeling requirements for your tanning equipment that must be implemented soon or you will no longer be able to operate and be compliant.

As the manufacturer of your Sun Capsule, we are in the process of filing the required 510K. To keep you up and running, although it is not our responsibility to do so, we have undertaken the task of supplying our loyal customers with all the necessary labeling… at no cost to you! But we need your cooperation.

Please take the time now to update all of your Sun Capsule equipment with us so that we can make sure all of your Sun Capsules will be compliant with the new FDA regulations.

IMPORTANT! You, as the salon owner, are required to re-label your existing equipment. We will walk you through this process and make it painless. If you want to be included in this offer, the deadline for submitting the necessary information to us is March 30, 2015. Don’t wait. DO IT TODAY!

Just click this link, fill in the required information and send it to us. We will take it from there.

Thank you for your help in this matter.
