We Are Sunshine

Pay-to-Play: Marketing in the New Era of Facebook

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

The days of free promotion via Facebook are coming to an end, the article “Facebook’s Pay-to-Play: 3 Key Takeaways for Your Business” explains. Organic reach for businesses has fallen to 2 percent of all fans as Facebook continues to try to monetize through advertising. Here’s what you can do to keep your Facebook Page stay relevant amidst these changes:

  1. Experiment with Facebook ads. Having to pay for something that used to be free may be hard to swallow, but the reality is that Facebook’s offers some effective and affordable advertising options. The best part of advertising on Facebook is that it allows you to reach a more targeted audience than any other media. By targeting your ads to reach friends of your friends, or by specifying job titles, zip codes, interest and many other options, you can avoid wasting dollars reaching people that would never be interested in your business in the first place. Facebook also allows you to set your own budget, so you can spend as little or as much as you wish. Setting a low budget and trying some different options is probably the best idea.
  2. Experiment with other social-media platforms. If you’re still looking to reach customers for free, it’s probably time to look at using some other social media platforms as well. While maintaining so many accounts can seem intimidating, it’s not so bad if you just think about how you can take the same content you post on Facebook and modify it slightly to work on other platforms.
  3. Create amazing, authentic content. At the end of the day, if your content is outstanding enough, and you offer the right things, people will visit your page whether it shows up in their Newsfeed or not. Post original photos, videos, questions, stories, tips, and, of course, great deals, and you should be able to maintain a decent level of engagement at no cost.

Click here to read the article from



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