We Are Sunshine

What They Want, Not What They Need

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Use branding to separate yourself from the competition and give your customers what they really want, with advice from the article “Forgot What Your Customers Need; Branding Is About What They Want.” There’s a big difference between marketing and turning your business into a bona fide brand.  One key to taking that step is understanding the difference between what customers need and what they want.

Need. Your customers’ needs are the functional benefits they get from your business – namely a great tan, products and other services. While doing these things well is a prerequisite for success, it doesn’t differentiate you from your competition.

Want. Want is an emotional connection between the customer and your business. It takes you from an ordinary service to a desired brand, it makes customers choose you over the competition, and it builds loyalty.

Making customers want your services and products is about how you make them feel, not only with the actual services and products, but with the entire package of how your business is presented. Every aspect of your business affects the way your brand is perceived, thus every decision should be based on the way you want customers to view your brand. Especially during interactions with customers, start thinking about how you can develop an emotional connection and take them from need to want.

Click here to read the article from
