We Are Sunshine

How to Reach the Holy Grail of Marketing

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

When you’ve reached the holy grail of marketing, you no longer have to continually sell your brand because it speaks for itself, the article “The 3 Characteristsic of Brands That Command Customer Loyalty” explains. Brand loyalty is that holy grail, according to marketing strategist Rohan Ayyar, and here are some keys he lists for you to have a chance to get there:

  1. Constant innovation equals continued success. “Great brands are built when innovation becomes a habit,” Ayyar writes. To go from a good business to a great brand, you have to show that you’ll stay ahead of the curve and lead the way in your market when it comes to products, services, features, customer service, and more. Like with Apple, Google and other innovative brands, clients will remain constantly engaged, waiting for the next big thing.
  2. Great customer service fosters brand loyalty. Customer service has the potential to make or break a relationship in a single moment, so it must always be on point. Mistakes and slip-ups happen, but once you develop the reputation that you’ll always make it right, you’re golden.
  3. Happy employees make happy customers. Happy, motivated employees are the key to great customer service and much more. The biggest factor for a business’s success is its people, so you need to develop a culture that attracts the right ones, keeps them there, makes the most out of their abilities, and keeps them smiling.

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