We Are Sunshine

Construct a Business Culture Based on Gratitude

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

Developing a workplace culture that makes everyone feel valued and appreciated is a vital element of maintaining a high-performing team in your business, the Harvard Business Review blog post “Foster a Culture of Gratitude” explains. Research shows that when employees feel valued, they have high job satisfaction, will work longer hours, strive to do their best, and work to achieve company goals, among other positives. But instilling this culture is about more than compliments and thanks – it’s about encouraging personal growth, rewarding for performance, and appreciating everyone’s opinions. Here are three ways that recent research suggests can enhance your culture of gratitude:

  1. Help others develop. An American Physchological Assication study shows that 70 percent of employees feel valued when they have opportunities for growth and development. Promotions obviously aren’t always an option, but you can also foster these feelings by offering new training, assigning different tasks, and allowing them to utilize their unique skills and knowledge that don’t necessarily pertain directly to the workplace.
  2. Involve employees. Sixty-three percent of respondents in a 2012 study listed the ability to use their skills as the top driver of their job satisfaction. Help them find ways to do so, and do your best to include everyone in decision-making and problem-solving discussions. It will keep them engaged, and you might find their opinions more helpful than expected!
  3. Support camaraderie and collegiality. The same study mentioned above found relationships between employees is the second highest factor impacting connection and commitment to the organization. Work on creating some opportunities for team interaction separate from work – the positive and fun feelings it creates will more than likely spill back into the workplace.

Click here to read the article from Harvard Business Review.
